Source One Staffing to Pay $800,000 to Settle Discrimination Claims


Source One Staffing to Pay $800,000 to Settle Multiple EEOC Discrimination Claims


Among Many Violations, Chicago-Area Staffing Company Assigned Temporary Employees To Clients on the Basis of Sex, Federal Agency Charged.


CHICAGO – A Chicago-area staffing agency will pay $800,000 under a consent decree resolving two discrimination lawsuits filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today.


The EEOC’s two lawsuits alleged multiple violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Specifically, the EEOC charged that Source One Staffing, Inc. engaged in the following unlawful conduct: the company 1) assigned female employees to a known hostile work environment; 2) retaliated against two female employees who reported that their supervisor was making sexual advances toward them; 3) categorized jobs as “men’s work” or “women’s work” and assigned employees accordingly; 4) asked impermissible pre-employment medical questions in violation of the ADA; and 5) failed or refused to assign employees to certain jobs because of their race and/or national origin.


Read full article here


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